Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 417 kept his Prortilfes, To the Secoriciti;T ( is to be arcri- bed) that the truth of GodsPromifes , fo far as they vtriZ to Abraham, WM not hindredby Abrahams incredssliti anddifabe7 dience.] Idem in Gen. I 5.6. pag. 352. he expoundeth Imputing Faith to Righteoufnefs to be meant [ fo that that which is Imputed to righteoufnefs, be accountedin Bead of Righteoufnefs, and be of that force with him to whom it is proved, that what ever defeets or fins do yet flick in the perfon waffled fluff wholly be for - given. In this fence is it here Imputed to ei-ihraham to Righte. oufnefs, that he believed in God. He had before hetated at the Proniifes of God, and confidered more the defeft ofnature,then the Truth and Power of God : which was altogether blame. worthy : But he firmly believed God promlfing fuch a Faith was Imputed to him in (lead of Righteoufnefs : that is for that Faith he was Reputed Righteous by God and Abfolved from all his faults. In this fenfe cloth the Apoftle ufe this place, kom.4,; lit is manifeft to any that diligently readeth that which he citeth out ofPfd ;z, and accommodateth to this caufe of Imputed Righteoufnefs. - And we mutt confider, what was the caufe that Abrahams faith was fo greatly approvedofGod,that it was freely Imputed to hii'n to Righteoufnefs. Two caufes of this the Apatite gives : The firer is the purpofe of Gods grace, whereby he 10 from eternity appointed, to jufti5e them that believe in him,' 2. That 114 a Faith gives God the glory of his Truth and Power, Is it Faith it felf, or Chrift, that MN/co/H.1 here faith is inip3.. teed to righteoufncfc 6o. ' in e otith in his lateTreat. of Chrifts hex. Bi.inn-v. Mediatorthip, p. tor, faith, [ There (Faith and Obc-. diem ) without any lull offence, I may call the Conditions of this Covenant% Faith whereby the Covenant is ilecfpled, upon the tams on which it is tevdeeed ; and Chrift the Mediadi, of it Received i Obedience whereby it is Kept,vi.t. in an Evangelical way § in refpeti of &fire and endeavour. This it is which the Mania calleth ICeeping ofthe Covepuint,Pral. z 5. 0,and ; .i8, Hhft Nor