(418) Not a Legal, but anEvangelical Keeping, when the Promifes being believed,there is a ferious defire and endeavour ofyielding obedience to all. Gods Commandments. ] Treat.of Myft. Implantation. pag. 73. Faith if it have not Works, is dead., being alone, viz, as to Juffitication and Salvati- on. As Abraham' and Sarah; bodies were faid to be dead , in that they were unapt for Generation, Rom. 4. 19. Even foFaith without Works is faid to be dead,in as much as it is unapt and un. able to produce thole defired and intended effects, to juflifie and to fave. True it is, Works are not properlya Caufe of Juitifica,- tion, asFaith is commonly faid to be (vaz. Inftrumental ) yet they area neceffary Concomitant of that Faith which juftifieth requifite Qi_talifications in the perfon juftified. 61. T) Ifhop George DoWname Treat. of Juftification, pag, 15 The true meaning of the QL1eftion,Whether we age uftified byFaith, or by Works ? is not as Oppofing the Inward grace of I:aith,to theOutward A51: of Obedience, which indeed are the fruits of Faith : but as oppofing the righteoufnefs of Chrift apprehendedby faith to that righteoufnefs which is Inhe- rent in our (elves, and performed by our felves. ] Pag. 306. [According to theSentence and Rigor of the Law we are finners, : Yet are we according to theDo6trine of the Gofpel to be called juft, and that by a twofold Juftice : I. And principally by the perfea righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed, &c. 2. By arighteoufnefs begun, &c. I Ibid. Bellarmine confeffeth that our opinion were Right , if we did not hold Chrifts Righteoufnefs to be the formal Caufe but fatisfa6tion given, &c. And we do not hold it the formal Caufe. bath the fame Conceflion.) P. 3 05. [Tobe formally righteous by Chrifts righteoufnefs imputed; never any of us, for ought I linow,affirmed. ] 6z. Mr,