Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(419) 61. MR Henry Aynfworth on Numbers 14. 34. viedye /hall know mybreach of Promife] or my breach, that wflrlAynf is, when I break Promifewith you, or break of from you , ye shall know how great evil is upon you For when men forfake God, he alfo forfaketh them, and breaketh his Covenant with them ; that is, performeth not his Promife, which is Conditio- nal, Ifmencontinue in his Faith, Dent, 31.16,17. Zach.n.10. Pod. 5. Rom. I I. 22. 63. ARch-Bifhop Edwyn Sandys Serm. at Strataerge, on Arch-girhop 2 Cor. 6. 2,3. pag. 137. L We do very well know that Sandys. there is no other medicine lave Repentance only, to heal the wounds of our fouls : no other way to restore our felves again to our Fathers home, but only, Father, Ihavefinned : no other means to quench the wrathful indignation which our fins have caufed to burn and flame as an Oven,but only our tears : though our fins be as red as Scarlet, or as fire yet being bathed with the water of our eyes , they are fcowred and made as white as fnow. And Serm. before the queen on 'fa. 55. pag. 67. [ The Pa- pifts fatisfaetion is but money matter ; and God is fatished not by Gold, but by blood ; and with us he is pleafed when our lives are amended. God is pacified by the mendingof our manners ; and he that ceafeth from fin,bringeth the wrath ofGod toan end, faith LaCimtms. 64. A R. Tho. Shephard of Nett England in his found Be- Mr.ShepharcL liever, as he cloth prove that the. Doctrine of jufti- fication before Faith, is Crofs to the whole current of Scripture, and that it is a meet unfound device, to fay that it is Declarative Juftification, or to our ownfenfe and feeling in foro Confcientia when we are faid in Scripture to be Juftified by faith, it being op- pofed to theftate ofunrighteoufnefs goingbefore; pag. 228.8CC. 107,108. &c (of the Imprefsion t 645 ) So he makes the main difference between the faith ofthe Elea andReprobate to lie in H h h 2 this,