Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(4%0) this,that one takes Chrift himfelf to fanlige and Rule them, and the other do not ; and faire the main differencirg part of that faith cannot be lets then a Condition of our Jollification, [ Pag. 2.04, 205, Obferve it that on there very terms the Lord tenders grace and mercy, Rom, 5, t7, And moft certainly this is one Priri cipal difference between the faith of the Elea and Reprobates, ( and if I miftake not the principal ) ; The Etat dole with e. hrift for that end for which the Father offers him , that is 4 that they might poliefshis Son and all his benefits, and therefore come poor and empty for All. The Reprobates come not for All, but for fo much and no more then will ferve their own turn; in mifery they would have Chrift to deliver them , but what care they for fpiritual mercies , In trouble of co4cience, or after their foul falls into filthy tufts and fins they come to Chrift to forgive them and comfort them : but what care they for holynefs and a new nature : Some fins they would have Chrift five them from btit they regard not redemption from all : They cannot come to Chrift that all the powers of darknefs may be perfectly fubdued, and their own fins and felves, conceits and wills may be led away captive by this mighty Conqueror ; that Chrift in ali his AtithOrity, Grace, Peace, Life, Glory, might be for ever ad- vanced in them and by them. It was complaint of many of his hearers, that Chi-iflom alequi, to have Chrift, was pleating to them ; but feggi Chriflam, to follow Chrift , this was heavy. To clofe With' Chrifts.pei-fon is fweet to many : but to clofe with his and to come to him that he would give them a heart to Jaye under"' it, this benefit they defire not : All Chrift is ufelefs and needlefs : but fomething from Chrift is pretious to them.] A lib pag. 178, 179, 1800 Sr, d'c. he (hews that the form of Faith which Uniteth us to Chrift, is the coming of the whole foul to Chrift out of it fell. And that the Faith on which the Lord Promifethmercy and falvation, is coming and returning to God. 7er43. t2-Euk. 33 tOo Jae/ z.12, 13. 25.7mh.5. 4o..That Unbelief being a departingfrom God, faith can be nothing tile but coming to him.; and this is the proper obedience to the Go. fpel, as Works are to the Law.] And pag.poi, Tol, tec. he Thews that in this Turn,as Chrift is the Good,the tettn To which, fo fin and world,are theevil, the term Fromwhich we are called that we are turned hit from darknefi and then to Light, and firfl from