11. NVAIL1-2,1.-111111, s. _a AmonsemrullIMISIM111.1 (412) Air Amber= 65. R. Rutherford in his Survey of Spiritual Antichrift , fe,rd. part. z. p. 6z, 63. 38, 39,40. faith, that though works benot Conditions to be done by our ftrength , &c. yet [ They are of the fame nature withour perfeaion in heaven, differing but in degrees as grace and glory do : that they are the way to heaven, as lowing is to Harveft, and that Chrift maketh a Pro- mile of Life eternal to him that doth his Commandments : that they are Conditions without which we cannot be caved : [Nor is it a Popifh way by Works to fay, We Peek Glory, Honour and Immortality by well doing; Works are not fo much Conditions of JultiEcation, as Faith is : Yet are they Conditions required in thole that than be faved.J Good Worksare fo Conditions, as they be Graces alfo ; It is a newHerefieof the Antinomians to deny a Conditional Gofpel ; it is all one as to belye the Holy Ghoft, who faith, He that believeth (hallbe faved, and he that, etc] ( And how muchhe valued the notionof Faiths Inftrumenta- lity, and whether he judged it a proper Inftrument, may appear ) Pa g. 114. I fee no inconvenience to fay , by the Aft of Faith,as a Condition or Inftrument,we receive and apply Chrifts Righteoufnefs ; and whether ye call it a hand or lama-lent , an atof free grace, a Condition, I judge there is no reafon to con- tend for words ; fo ye fay not as Cornwall, Saltmarlh, and other Antinomians,We are juftified whether we believe or not and long, yea from eternity, fay fome, before we believe. And that he judged Juftification by Faith to be that inLaw-fenfe , I have ihewed fully in myAdmonition to Mr. .Elre. Mr. Richard 2 66. R. Rich. Hooker in his Difcourfeof Juftification fpeaks Hooker. much this way , fpecially endeavouring to prove that thevery Papifts Datrine herein, though it overthrow the foun- dation byConfequence ( as t/ime#'us faith every error in Divini- ty doth) yet not direftly, and therefore that our fore-Fathers in days of Popery might be faved. Read the whole. 67, Mr. Ezek.