( 44) ofthe perfor, As when a man lc NJ to Jut fah an on-o-r.fuch a Cana', the meaning is not that he will make that 3 urt was urNt before, but he will make it appear - to be jun, att. ,..01, Hfication s the Ere note thatD.Prejf074 I.Veth the old diftinnien of the j of the perfon &caufe,but the fence of it is not aif t latter alto were not a Juftification of the perfon too ; for, as Mr, BeadAetb we) fbeweth,the perfon is Jultified in & by the Juftifica® tion of his Caufe. But the meaning ofthe diftinflion one is fo univerfal ajuftifieation,that the perfon may be laid limply to be Justified by it ; The other i but a partcular Jullification, and the per Ion isluflified by it but only as to this Caufe, and not (imply and abfolurely. And fo when we first Believe our perfons are made Juft of uninfl without works, bring freely pardoned by Chat, And when we come to judgement, if the general charge be brought againft us that we are (inners, our works are not that Righteoufnefs that mutt juilifle us againft that charge ; but pardon through Chrifts fatisfaaion. If it be Replyed, that we are Infidels, or Rebels againft the Redeemer, and therefore have no Right in that fatisfseion, according to the New Covenant our faith and repentance and fincere fubjeaion to Chrifl mutt uflifie us ac our Righteournefa in oppofition to that parr iculat Accufacion : Jilt 'be laid that we are Hypocrites and did but pre. rend to believe, our Works may juitihe Otis faith to be fincere, .And that this is Dr. Preflom meaning,is plain in his words, when be faith Abrahams works jufled him that he Itios no Hypocrite fo that he judged that this which he calieth Justification of the cmge, was a jult,ficicion ofrhe man himielf as to thE Cg31e, And in our care, falvac!on depends much on that Carus "EDelo Treat; offaith page -44,41,&c.i-So that if I rbors!d ddine 170 ifyiqpia) to your may b(::.hu$ de(eribed, It a gr-2ce or habit inttiled into ttie fool, whereby we are enabled to believe, not only that the Menu ic offered to us, but alto to take and tc. caive him a, a Lord and Saviour) that if both to be raved by him, and to obey him Mark it I pat theintogether, to take biro as a Lord