Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 425 ) Lord,and as a Saviour. For you (hall find that in the ordinary' phrafe of Scripture thefe two are put together, Jefirs Chrift, our Lord and Saviour I Therefore we mutt rake heed of disjoyning thofe that God bath joyned together ; we mu[t take Chrift as well for a Lord as a Saviour. Let a mando this,and he may be affured that his faith a piflifyingfaith. Therefore mark it diligently, If a man will take Chrift as a Saviour only, that will not ferve thy turn : Chrift giveth not himfelf to any upon that Con- dition, only to Cave him, but we molt take him as a Lord too, to be fubjeet to him, to obey him, :.-z C.] Page 47. [The obi,eet of this faith is Chrift , as I told you before ; and herein this is to be marked, that a man muff fiat take Chrift himfelf,and after, the Priviledges that come by him. And this point I could with were more pica by our Divines, and that our hearers would more in- tend it, &c.] Page at. [So I fay ,when all thefe concur, the Match is now rnade,and you areJu[lified.] Of effeetual faith p.92. Now faith is nothing but this : we come, and tell you that Chrift is offered, if you will be content to let all there things go,and to turn your hearts to him;then the whole bent of a mans mind is turned the contrary way, and fet upon Chrift ; this is finch a Faith indeed, Sec.] [Now if we were not miftaken in it, there would be no qut [lion of this. We think that faith is nothing but a perfwafion that our (ins are forgiven, a per- fvvalion that the prornifes are true,and the Scripture true, a per- fvvafion that Chrift dyed for my fins ; And thence it is that men are apt to be deceived in it. if they took faith as it is in it fell, AMarriage of our felves to Chrift with all our heart and af- feetions, when he bath given himfelf to us as in Marriage, and we are given tohim ; indoing this we ibould never be de- ceived.] Of New Covenant,page 3 17, '; 18. [You mutt know there is a twofold Covenant, One of works, Another of grace, &c. The Covenant of Grace runs in thefe terms [Thou fhait Believe; thou fink take my fon for thy Lord and Saviour, and thou (hale likew.fe Receive the Gift of Righteoufnefs. which was wrought by himfJr an Abfolution for thy fins, for a Reconciliation with me ; and thereupon thou (halt grow up in Love and Obedience I i i towards