(426) towards me,Thenwill I be thy God, and thou shalt be my people) This's the Covenant of grace], &c., (But I have mentioned theft and other places of Dr.Preflan for- merly and referred to more, which}had rather were read in him te-- gether, then recited imperfectly by me.) M: Scudder. 69,M r. Scodder in his book calledThe Chripans daily walk, pet i 9.faith fo punaually the lameas I about the. Nature ofJahr-yin° faith, that it may rather make the Reader think that I borrowed :that I lay then ce,then that I contradI6t him (though in- deed I obferved it not till lately,) Thewords are theFe iollowin,g. Er . Therefore do not conceive that to be faith which is no faith, nor yet that be no faith which is faith. You may know wherein true faving faith confitts by this which follovveth. Whereas (man being fallen into a flare ot Condemnation- by reafen of fin, thereby breaking the Covenant of works) it pleafed God to ordain a new Covenant, the Covenant ofGrace, ettbalifhing it in his only fen JefusChia made man, expreffing the full tenourof this his Cove- nant in the Gofpel wherein hemaketh a gratious and free offer of Chrift, in whom this Covenant is eitablithed together with the Co- venant it felf,unto man; Nowwhen a man underlianding this offer, givethcredit unto it, and affenteth to it, becaufe it is true, and ap- proveth it, and confenteth to it, both becaufe it is good for him to embrace it, and becaufe iris the Will and Commandment ofGod, and is one Condition in the Covenant, that he fhould confent for hispart and trull to its when a man receiveth Chrift thus offered, together with the whole Covenant in every branch of it, refolving to reft on that part of the Covenant made and promifed on Gods part, and to Hand to every branch of the Covenant to be performed on hispart, thus toembrace theCovenant of Grace and to receive Chrill in whom it is confirmed,is to believe. Thisoffer of Chrift and the \receiving him by faith may clearly be expreffed by an offer of peace and favour, made by a King unto awoman that isa rebellious Subject, by making offer of a marriagebetween her and hisonly Son, the, heir apparent to the Crown, who to make way to thismatch undertakes by his fathers appointment to make full fatisfa6tion tohis fathers Jutiice in her be- half, and to make her every way fit to be a daughter to a King. A