Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(427) And for the effeEting thismatch between them , the Son with the confent andappointment of his Father, fendeth his chief ler- vents a woing to this unworthy woman, making offer of marriage in their matters behalf, with the eleareit proofs of their matters good will to her, and with the greateftearneftnefs and entreaties toobtain her good will that may be ; this woman being at firft a Ward or bondwoman unto this Kings Sons mortal enerny,and being in love with bale Cleves like her Pelf , companions in her re- bellion, may happily fet light by this offer : or if the confider well of it, the may doubt of the truth of this offer : the match being fo unequal and fo unlikely on her part , (he being fo bate and fo unworthy, may think the motion to be too good to be true : yet if uponmore advifed thoughts, (he doth fee and believe that there is fuch a one as the Kings Son, and believeth that he is in earnelt and wouldmatch with her : and confidereth alfo that it (hall be good for her to forfake all others and take him; now when fhe can bring her felf to believe this, though (he cometh to it with much difficulty , and when withal (he givetit a true and heartyconfent to have him, and to forfake all others and to take him as he if,t0 obey him as her Lord,and to take part with him in all Conditions better or worfe, though the come to this refoluti- on with much ado , then the match is as good as made between them ; for hereupon followeth the mutual plighting of their troaths each to other. The application is eafie throughout. I will only apply fo much as is for my purpofe to (hew the nature of inflibing Faith. God offers his only begotten Son Jefus Chrift, yea (Atilt j efus by his Minifters offers himlelf in the Go- fpel unto rebellious man to match with him, only on this Conditi- on, that forfaking his kindred and Fathers houfe,forfakingall that he is in himfelt he will receive him as hishead,htstband, Lord and Saviour ; nowwhen any manunderftandeih this motion fo far as to *tient and confent unto it, and to receive Chrift and cleave to him ; then he believeth to falvation then the match is made between Chrift and that man, then they are hand-fafted and be - clothed, nay married, and are no longer two, but are become one Spirit. By ail this you may fee that in Paving Faith there are twoAir. a. An affent to the Trurh of the (scalpel and that not only in general believing that there is a Chrift, believing alfo what manner of perfon he is, and upon what condition he offer Iii a eth