Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(08.) tth himfelf to man to fave him : but alfo believing that this Chrift gracioufly offereth his love and himfelf to a mans felt in particular. The fecond a6t is an approbation and liking well of this offer of Chrift, with confenting and hearty faying I to the laid offer, refolving to take himwholly and fully as be 14 acce- pting of him according to thefish tenour of the marriage-Cove- nant, not only as a mans Saviour for to defend and fhelter him from evil, and to fave him and bring him to glory ; but as his head, to be ruled by him as hi3 Lord andKing. , to worfhip and obey him ; believing in him not only as his Prieft to fatisfie for him, but alfo as his 'Prophet to teach, and as his King to Govern him ; cleaving to him in all eftates, taking part with him in all the evils that accompany the profeflion of Chrifts name, as well as in the good ; the firPc aft is not enough to fave any ; the fecond act cannot bewithout the former ; where both thefe are, there is a right receiving of the C ofpel, there is true Faith; the principal matter lyeth in the confent and determination of the Will in re- ceiving of Chrift ; which that it may be without exception , know with what manner of will you mutt confent and receive Chrift. j So far Mr. Scudder. Read him farther on in that place. Cr. S, Bolton, R. Sam. Bolton Bounds of Chriftian freedom, pag. 278, 279, ago, 285. I. Though Chrift have pur- chafed all Good things for us, yet will God beftow them in a way of feeking, Ez.ek ?6. 37. 2. Though God will beftow thefe things in a way of believing and praying yet they are not the purchafe of our prayers, but the gift of his own mercy. And I appeal toany, whether ever they heard any confcientious Mini- fter fay, that praying was the Meriting Caufe of any Mercy ? Did ever any fay that duty had any caufal influence into the corn- palling of mercy ? Hath it not Rill been heldup as a fubfervient means? &c.i obj. But it may be it will be faid , If thefe things are freely promifed , why is there then a Condition required to the beftowingof them ? . Some fay, that though Gods Promifes are free inficri, in refpeti of themaking of them , yet they