,( 4 29) they are Conditional ioftcto elite, in refpeet ofthe performance of them though they are made out of meer mercy , yet they are performed in relation to our fubfervient duty. And ifwe do but fubjoyn this to it, that the fubfervient Condition or duty which is pre-required to the performance of the Promife, is nothingof our bringing,but firft ofGods beitowing,I do not fe how this may any way intrench upon the freenefs of Gods grace, either in ma- king or in performing the Promife ; Rev. 21. 6. He tells us he will give tohim that is athirft. Here is a Condition or ; and yet this doth not intrench on the freenefs of grace. Notwithftanding this qualification , he tells us , he gives to him that is a thirft : and what canbe freer then gift? Obj. But it may be it will be faid, that can be no precedent Condition to Grace and juftification , which is a fubfequent fruitof grace and Juftification; but toperform duty acceptably, is a fubfequent fruit ofour Iatification ; therefore, &c. ( See fur- ther.) I (ball propound a few things to be ferioufly and throughly confidered on. 1. Whether thefe things laid down may not be both precedent Conditions and alfo fubfequent fruits of grace : Efpecially ifyou look on them as Conditions of Gods be_ flowing, &c.] And pag. 289. he fpeaksof the feveral periods of ratification, thus [Ass . we may be faid to be juPcified in Decree, &c. 2 Me- ritorioufly,in the death of Chrift. 3. A6tually, and fo we are ju- flified when we come to believe. 4. In the Court of confcience, when we come to be Affured. 5. Perfectly ; and fo we are then flified when we are glorified,whenChrift shall prefent his Spoufe iwithout either fpot or wrinkle , or any fuch thing when the 1i f, in this Church fhall be all fair without fpot or fin-- if which be not admitted , the order of Scripture will kern to be inverted, and we than run fromGods revealed Will, to Gods fecret Win, yea, and a man may Rand actually juftified by this opinion, while he flands actually under the power, reign, and rage of Satan and fin. ( Read further his excellent difcourfe, to prove that we may and mutt makeHeavenour end inour duties ; and confequently that duties are means to that end, and therefore the fincere I i i 3 format=