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Mr. Arthur Dent. Mr.Sam. Crook. R avanelluc. ( 430 ) formance of them can be no lefs then a niter Condition fine pia non. 71 1% A R. Arthur Dent,in hisCatechifm defines Iuftification 1"1" tobe [Acleanfing and Renewingof our nature by the. Spirit of God.] This mull needs comprehend Sanctification in it. I cite it not as Iullifying it, but to Chew that he faith more then I do, in the point in hand. 72. R. Sam. Crook., Guide to Bleffednefs , pag. 201 E 1. The Elect) being in Chrift, they and their Works frail not undergo thearia Tryal of theLaw limply in it fell, but as the obedience thereof proveth them to be true par- takers of the graceof the ; ofpel ] ( This is the fubfervient lu- ftification by Works at judgement which I affert.) So pag.2o2. E The Elea shall be pronounced juft, Becaufe their Good works, though Impeded, do approve their Faith,whereby they lay hold on Chrift and his meritorious righteoufnefs, to be a true Faith,as working by love, in all parts of obedience. ( We are juftified then, Becaufe ofthe Atteftation of wort s.) 73. p Avanellus in his Eibfiothec. in verbo [Rerniffio. faith that [ The Inftrumental Caufe of Rerniflion is mani- fold . Generally, all Godly men, who by the example of a holy life, and by holy Admonition, do turn finners from an ill way, and confequentlyobtain thempardon of fin , /am. 5. 20. (Then turning it /elfmuji be as much a (-wife.) 2. Specially, Pallors who Preach the ofpel- Doctrine of Remitlion of fins, Mar. i6. 19. and 8. 18: in which places Pailors are Paid to forgive fins, not by their own authority, which is Gods prerogative, but as they are Gods Minifters, and Preachers of the wordor Gofpel. See to this fenfe, Luk. i. ,6, 77. and 24.47. eAct. 13. 38. and 26. 18. And fo the Preaching of the ( ofpel, Rom. i.16. 3. The Sacra- ments, that is, Baptifm and the Lords Supper, &c. 4. Faithby which