Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(431) which we receiveRerriffionof fins, offered us in the preaching of the Gofpel. 5. Prayers , both our own and others for us ; fpecially the prayers of the Minillers of the Church.] Set: him al- fo in verb( Litefipilrentia.] (Here is more laid then ever I did , in that he maketh them no refs then mks.) 74* CHrifloph. Pezeliot in g ere;'. 4. 92, faith, [ If Pezdius. thou artgood, or if thou do:=fi well, thou fhah, have de- liverance, or Remilion, or Acceptation, that is, of thy perfon and of thy facrilice, that is, Thou and thy worfhip (hall ;.),e Acce- pted with God. ForAcceptation is oppofed to '..'2jetiion ; arid by the nameof goodnefs or well-doing, is meant our wi,olc 0.,- verfation,or whole Chriftian life,which confifteth in dailyConfef- fion of fin and in Faith and a good confcience. For in favings about goodWorks , we mull ever comprehendFaith, without which, neither the perfon nor the Works pleafe. God. ] vide uhr. 75. BVC617MILOC COM. Loc. 38.S. 10. pag 430. [Of what Buono, things (hall we be judged ? Anfrv. Of every ones faith and infidelity by the effe..cis of each.] Pag. 43'. Comeye blefed, etc. To which he will fubjoyn a mention, of thecaufe, from the fruits ofFaith arguing that caufe, that is from the Works of mercy, &c.] Pag. 432. [ According towhat Law will Chrift pafs the Sen- tence ? Anfw. Though the Godly (hall be Absolved even by the voice of the Law, inas much as Chrift hash fulfilled it for them; and by the fame Law which threatneth damnation to every fin fhall the wicked be damned ; Yet not fo much the voice of the Law, asof the Gofpel which the *palespreached, (hall be the Rule of the laft Judgement : according to that 70h. 3.36. & I2.48.Rons.z.16.For the Sentence at that univerfal Judgement will be no other thing then the manifeitation or declaration of the Sentence already pronounced in this Life by the Miniite, v of the word,ofthe Iuitification and condemnation ofparticular per- . fons.] ( Nom=