Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 433 ) vitorious worthyrierc, in 511 this t but there is an Acceptable avoi,, thynefs for by acceptance he is worthy of whatfoever God cloth for him, who in tome good meafure underftands the worth of his benefits, and takes them to heart, deliring and endeavoring to give him all the glory which he intended for himfelf in bellowing them. The principal thing God intends in doing good to any of his Creatures L. the glory of his goodnefs ; If therefore his Crea- ture acknowledge his goodnefs proportionably in his benefits,de- firing to value them all tingle at that high price, and in compari. fornone above another proportionably as the Donor would have he fhould, he reftores to God that which he aimed at in his bene- fits, and is worthy ofthem with that worthinefs which a Creator may expeS from a Creature ; Seeing an infinite Creator which had need of nothing, cannot expect any thing from a finite crea- ture, having nothing but what he fitft bellowed upon it, but tie Glory ofhis benefits. Now the greateft matter, containing in it infinite variety of wonders, which God from all eternitybath contrived, &c. to get himfelf an infinite m3fs of glory, was the fending his own Son , &c, This being fo, whofoever is admitted to fee what is the fel- lovvfhip of the myfterie which from the beginning of the world bath been bid in God , if he be fo caught up with admiration of it, that he grow prefencly into a loathing of all his other happi- nefs ii companion of this ; if at the lighe of fuch a Concourfe of wonders, he be fo rav'thed out of himfelf, that he care not what become of what he molt doted on before, fo that he may get his part in that fellowfhip; I lay, fuch a one it Worthy of Chriji , be caufe he gives God that glory Which Chrig meant to procure him ; and therefore it will fland both with his Wrfdorn and Juaice to allot fuch a one his portion out of thofe unfearchable riches of Chrift] ( Read one leaf more in the Author, well worth the perufing. Here is another Reafon given of our Intereft in Chrift, then the Inftrumentality of an a ; and another kind of Faithdefcribed, then what confifteth but in one aa. , or excludeth Love,Refolution, contempt of the world, &c, k k 77, 114r