( 434) a jackran. Re calls a put- pole of 13)074- ingby the nom of, Works. 77. DR. 7ackson ( whom I have never heard excepted a- gainft in this point, though in fome other) of fa- ving Faith. Se6t. 2. cap. 6. pag. 2o6, zo7. [ Saint Patti as is declared at large before) includes Works in Faith, which Saint 7ames takes as he found it in unfruitful hearers deftitute of good Works,] If by the Kingdom of heaven ( Math. 5. 19,2,0 . ) be meant the Kingdom of Grace the Argument is more ftrong then otherwife it would be : howfoever ftrong it is, and not im- peached by this reply That fuel' obfervance of the Command- ments as is here required,is neceffary to fandificationor falvation, not to juffification. That it fhould be more neceffary to one of thefe then to another,implyes a contradiction in the terms well expreffed and equally compared , as it doth to our Saviours pur- pole to fay that Works are efs neceffary before Juffification then after it. Aman in that he is juftified, is the immediate heir of falvation, at leaft acquitted from the fentence ofdeath : Now if we affirm fuch righteoufnefs moreneceffary after he is juftifi- ed then before,we (hall in Congruity grant that Works win hea- ven, and Faith only delivers fromhell.) &c. Or if Faith without Works obtain Iuftification, having Tuft& ed us, fball it not much more without them layPure hold on fat- e vation, &c, Suppofe a man dye in the very inftant wherein he is Iuftified ? None would doubt of abfolution or falvation. Is he then faved with works or without them ? If without them , our Saviours Rule doth fail us, &c. If with them, their pretence is neceffary to Iuftification, and in order of nature before it, becaufe neceffary ere he can be capable of entering into the Kingdomof heaven as performanceof every Condi- tion is in nature precedent to the accomplifhment of what is nets promifedwithout it. Again, no man denyes but Faith inherent in order of nature goes before Iuftification in that fenfe we take it , yet TuftifyingFaith neceffarily includes fuch Works in it as James requires, at leaft a preparationor immediate promptnefs ofmind todo them' ; and more then fo was not in the work ofAbraham, which he commends Sec. j Pag. zi 0. More Arguments I need lac* ufe, ; for every obfervant Reader may furnifb himfelf with plenty