Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

431 ) lilehty; all Demonftrative that Works taken asMmes meant, nit for theaft or operation only,but either for theaet or promptitude to it, are neceffary to l uftification ( not before men , but before God) and in order of nature precedent,] The infallible confequence of there deduaions is , that be- tween St.PassIs faith, andSt. lames's Tuftification , there mult be Works intermediate ; of what kind it skills not, fo they be done in Faith.] m( See next the order of Works.) [ If we then com- pare the ads or operations of Faith among themfelves, according to the fame ftrength or equal degrees of fidelity in doing Gods will, the effedual application of Chrifts Merits is but a branch of the former uniformity in working required by St. lames ; neither neceffarily, nor ordinarily the firft, either in order of nature or time, whether we fpeak of application actual and exprefs , or of implicite and potential,] &c, Pag. 215. Now if by fuch works as the heathens or Auditors of the Law not yet fanftified, oftenpradifed , much more by thole works which accompany true and lively Faith, we may in a higher degree of the fame fenfe, beaccounted juftified ; that is, Approveable in the fight of God, or Paffively capable of a final Abfolution,or effeaual Tultification. And this was all Saint lames meant in that Affertion. [ Ye fee then how that a man of works is juftified and not of faith only ; ] which words are but equiva- lent to the like precedent, verf. t 4..[ What availeth it , &c. can Faith fave him ? ] The conclufion intended in both places , as in that whole difcourfe, was no more but thus : No man may pre- fume he is already in the state of Iuftification or falvation , un- lefs he find himfelf unpartially devoted tt9 good works of every kind. ] Pag. z16. [Did St. 'Paul then ever affirm that a man could be favedor juftified without fuch works ? No : he alwav fuppofed them as a qualification molt neceffary in the partywhich expe- ded final Abfolution, or benefit of Godgeneral pardon.] Pag. 2n 7. 1 91 he feeming Contradiction between thefe two greatt'Apoftles is hence eafily and clearly thus diffolved S. lames affirming we are juitified by works. and not by Faith alone,fpeaks of the Paflive qualification in the fubjeci or party, to be justified ' or made capable of Abfolute approbation or final Abfolution. Kkk 2 This