Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Zuingliat: ( 436 ) hts Qzalification fuppofed, Saint Paul fpeaks of the Applica- tion of the Sentence, or of the ground of our plea for Abfola- tion ] .010010...0101m..00.0.101. 780 r7V inglitts takes Faith, Hope and Love to be all one, and therefore muff needs hold that hope and Love Iru_ flifie as well as Faith. 7'07)7.2. de vera efi- falfa Relig.fol. 224. [For he that bath faith, Cod is in him, and he inGod. But let any fay, This belongs to charity which you afcribe to faith : It mull be confidered that faith is diverily taken in the holy Scriptures : firft for Credulity : then for Firmnefs : and then for Affiance on God ; and of this alone it mull be underitood that faith faveth. And now they that underitand not that Faith, Hope and Charity are the fame thing, to wit, this Affiance in God, shall be conftrai- ned to let many knots in Scripture pats unrefolved. And this (hall be made manifeft by Scriptures. We are faved byjlope, Rom 8, and Rom. 4. Faith is imputed to a Believer to Righteoufnefs. If therefore Hope fave, and Faith fave, Faith and Hope muff be the fame thing. Nor let it move anyman, that fometime Hope is otherwife fpoken of thenFaith ; For there Faith is not taken for Affiance in God but either for any Credulity or Firmnefs, or Truth. So charity, &c. ] Pag. 225. [Moreover,all that Affiance ofmans heart on God, is fometime called Faith, fometime Hope and Charity ; andwho. ther you Love, Hope, or Truft, it is nothing elfe but Piety to. wards God. Hence it is that though Piety alone comprehend thefe three , Faith is taken for Charity, and Hope forFaith. ] ( He hereanfwers the objeftion, that the Apofile diftinguitheth them ) And in his Apolog. againft Luther, Tom. 2. pag, 370. [ And this (Faith) is nothing elle then that Conftitution ofmans mind, by which we commit ourfelves wholly to God, For in this man- ner, and upon thefe Conditions hath the Almighty God entred Covenant with all the company and number of the faithful, that they adore him alone,worftlip him alone,and adhere to him alone as the only God, &c. And this Covenant can in no wife be chang- ed, &c. whence it is manifeft alfo that that Faith, whereby we truft