Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( ) truft in Iefus Chrift our Lord,is properly converfant about hisDi- vinity, and is built on it,and refteth on it. And Fidei Chrifilan. Expof. Tom Z. pag. 57. he faith , That faith and works are but as Confilimm er faRAm, Confultati7 on and ACtion. 79. Will draw towards the end as I began, with thofe Teffi- 1 monies that have many in one. Thofe Div:nes of the late Aftembly at Wefinainfier, that wrote theAnnotations on the Bible, fay thus on 1(4.1.16.[ if the foulnefs of your hands be that which hinders the Acceptanceof your fervices, and dlaw fuc- cefs of your fuites, then muff you wafh and cleanfe them, ere you can hope to have gracious Acceptance of the one, or effeCtual audience for the other. vent: 18. A gracious invitation with offer and promife ofReconcilement,Re- miffionof forepaft tranfgreffions, and reftitution of former blef- fings and benefits, upon filch Reformation as was before here re- quired ] See them more fully on Ifa. 55. 1. on the word [ Buy]: and on verf. 3 E On (mark. 7. 29.[For this laying ] For fo ex- cellent a Faith, fo admirably exprefsing it felf in confidence and humility : all which importeth not her Merit, bnt his mercy, crowning his own graces in her.] .01111V So. He laft Teftimony of the eighty shall be of that molt -A- Learned, Judicious, Orthodox Synod of Dort : and in particular ofour own Brittifh Divines in their fuffrage. Ad Art. 5. part. 2. page 198. ( Impref.1620.) Th. z. [Becaufe San- aification the companion ofJuffification confifteth not without a Purpofeof obedience, which habitual Purpofe though inter& rupted by many falls, is fufficient to the Elea, to the keeping ofthe Mate ofImpfication fafe in itfelf : but to the prefent comfort of Affiance, there is neceffarily required fuch an Actual Pure pole.] (Here the keeping fafe or continuing our Date of Juftification is ascribed to Sanaification or anhabitual Purpofe of obedience: which can be in no fenfe below that ofa Condition that I know of) K k k 3 /mutations of the Divines the "Tenthly . The Synodof Dort. fpecially the Brittifh Divines.