NNW. __Asirekus ( 438) SoThe'. 3,& 4, 5. page 192,193,1'94 [The fame Regene rate and Juitified Perfons do fometime by their own fault fall in- to hainous fins, and hereby incur the paternal Indignation of Cod,contraft a damnable guilt,lofe their prefent aptitude to en. ter into the Kingdom ofheaven, &c. They contract a damnable guilt, fo that while they perfift in that Rate without Repentance, they neither ought nor can otherwife perfwade themfelves then that they are obnoxious to death. Ifye live after the fiefh,ye fhall dye. For they are bound under a Capital Crime,by whofe defeet theyare liable to Death according toGods Ordination, though they be not yet delivered to Death, nor fhall be if we refped Gods fatherly love ; but final' be firft rcfcued from this fin, that fa they may be related from the Guilt of Death. Lafily,in their prefent condition they tole their aptitude to enter into the King- dom ofHeaven ; becaufe nothing fhall enter into that Kingdom that defileth or worketh abomination. For the heavenly Crown is put only on them who have fought a good fight, and have fi- nifhed their Courfe in faith and holinefs. He is therefore unfit to poffefs this Crownwho yet fticketh in the works oflmpiety. bef.4.Gods unchanged Ordination requireth,that a believer thus exoi bitant, fhall firft return into the way by a renewed aa of Faith and Repentance, before he can be brought to the end ofthe way, that is the Kingdom of heaven If therefore any one go on in a way contrary to Gods ordination, as that broad way ofuncleanefs and impenitency, which leadeth ftrait to hell, he can never in that manner come to heaven. Yea if death shall take him wandering in that wrong way, he cannot but fall into eternal death. This is the perpetual and clear voice of Scri- pture, Like 13 3. x They are vain therefore that ima- gine that an deft man wallowing in fuch crimes, and fo dying, Thal; yet be Paved by force of Elettion. For the falvation is in- deed certain and firm on Gods Decree but by the fame Decree ofGod, it is certain only by the way of Faith, Repentance and Holinefs. Heb. x 2.4. z Tim 2 19.- If any of thefe be wanting and the contrary be in an Elea man, there feems on both parts to Rand 'a certain Irnpoffibility ; For Example , It is impoffible that Paul an Elea man perifh It is impoilible alfo that Paula Blafphemer againft Chrift and an unbeliever, fhould not peril"), if he dye in that Rate. Or it is impoffible that David an