Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

the ?reface to the Readers. Where many are nowoffended with me formy judgment, then to any writer in the world, except the Scriptures.In particular, it was he that did not only fatisfie me in the point of Univerfal Redemption, but by clearer diftin- , guifhing between Gods Preceptive and Decretive will, then I had found others do, did help me to difcern bet- ter then before I haddone , between the Phyfical and Ethical confiderations in Theologie , and did let in that light at fo narrow a crevife, which hathnot been a little ferviceable to me fince then. And indeed it was Door Twilfs that firft drewme out of the road that I was in, if I have in any particulars forfaken it. And the next advan- tage I had,was by reading sa/t;narys Flowings of Grace: which I faw foexceedingly taking both in the Country and the Army (where T then was) that I fell on the feri- ous perufal and confideration of it : and its palpable er- rors werea molt ufefull difcovery to me offome contrary Truths, while I was endeavoring to confute him; fo that when I confidered of the jufteft anfwer to his conceits about Chrifts Believing,Repentingand Obeying for us; it plainly lead me to the cliCcerning of that neceffity of the twofold Righteoufnefs , which fome inconfideratly quarrel at. And a long vacancy in deep weaknefs ofbo- dy,prefently fucceeding the beginningof thefe thoughts, did much more enforce them then before. This much more I muff fay concerning this prefent Confeffion. 1. The large citations of other mens words muff needs feem tedious tomany Readers, but I am ne- ceffitated to it, as theonly anfwer to the Argument of fingularitywhich I am charged with, and which feemeth the molt effectual that they plead. And I hope the mat-. ter of thole citationswill proveworth the reading. 2. If any Brother underftand not any word in my Apkorifms which is here interpreted, or iniftalie my fenfe - , about