Feflus Ho- Inius. ( 440 from our fate Of tatification and falvatiOn i and that to God hash decreed that we than not fall from juttificationlo bath he Decreed our not falling from fanaification as the means there- of, and the keeping our ft= of juitification. ND thus I have given you a cloud of witneffes to clear _Lk the main points that fome are offended at in my writings, from the charge of fingularity , that fo mens prejudice, if pof- fible,may be removed; I will yet adde fome more,though beyond my firft intent, and though fome of them fpeak not fo directly to the point as may be expeded. I. L'Efitis hromiss Di/put. Thai. 68. peg. 418. ( Edit.3. ) [ Prayers lawfully conceived by the Faithful in the name of Chrift are very acceptable to God, and have great efficacyof obtaining many and excellent benefits ofGod, both to our felves and others : and they are the ordinary means,by which we obtain of God, all benefits Spiritual and Corporal.] If All, then Juftification, at leaft the continuance of it, and of our Right to falvation as alfo our renewed pardon of particu- lar fins, and Juftification from them , and final Juftification at Judgement,. Note alfo that he gives a great efficacy ] to Prayer herein : which is more then ever I faid of any ad of man. Polanus-. 2. DO/anus Syntag.1. 6. c. 3 7. p. 469. [ The ends of Repen- tance are r . That wemay obtain the averfion, or at leaft the mitigation of deferved Punifhments J- [ The effects of Repentance. I. The hearing of our Prayers, and the obtaining the good things which we feekof God. ( Of which Pardon is one.) 2.The efcaping of eternal death, as God faith Ezek. 33 14) 15,16, (Thefe are madethe effed,and fo Repentance a caufe ofthem, when I made it but a Condition.) So cap 6, li. 8. pag. 564 The effeas ofgood Works are ; 1. The glorification of God. 2. Innunlerable good things which return