Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 441) return both to him that bath good Works and others. To him that hath good Works return there molt dcfirable fruits ; towit, molt intimate and familiar communication of Godsgood will;the 'confirmation of Eiedion, Vocation, Juftification,Saudification and Adoption : The increafe of righteoufnefs and holynefs in- herent in us; All kindofbleflings and happy fuccefs,] (All thele are made no Ids then the effeds of good Works.) Lib. 6. cap. 69. [The palling of Sentence is that whereby Chrift will Iudge to all their Right , and give them according to their Works , which alfo witnefs every ones Faith or Infidelity. All limit be fudged, either according to the Gofpel, or the Law. They who have received the Gofpel, fhall be judged according to it, and by it The Gofpel requireth that we Believe in Chrift, that through him all our fins are pardoned, and it witneff- eth, that our begtsn 0bedience,though maimed and veryimperfed, U as Acceptable to God as if it were molt perfect becaufe Chrifts righteoufnefs and obedience is ours. The Eled therefore,though their Works are impeded, yet therefore cannot be condemned , becaufe there is no condemnation to them that are in Chrift jefus. 3 Q 01. gualtherut in Luc. Hood. 99. fol.246. faith as much as I for Repentance and Confeffion, too long to tran Gualthet. fcribe : he faith, [Contritionof mind caufeth confeffion of fin, -E-- which is made to God privately and fecretly, yea or Publikely, if the neceflity of the thing, or the glory of God require it. For feeing, they that trulyRepent, are wont to Rye to Gods mercy , and to deprecate their fault and k..;ods anger ; thiscannot be done without Confefsionoffin.Andunlefs this be done,we can neither have peace inour own minds, nor obtain the "Pardon off' _fin. 11 And he tells us what kind of men in thofe dayes preached free grace only, and not Repentance [ therefore thofe dumb dogs do no- thing, who being intentonlyon the preaching of grace, do who!. lynegled the Dodrine of Repentance. Which makes me re- member the praaife of old carnal dawbing temporizers in Eng- land, who preached all mercy and Chrifts fufferings but little of the nature and neceflityof holynefs, and ftri& obedience : And L 11 how