Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 442 how the multitude of the ungodly hearers liked them , and the Godly difliked them for this very thing, which now grows in fa- Non. rdlinzer, 4, VitiiTer is as ftri6t as an`- of our Divines againft Iuftifica- ) Lion by Works : and yet when he comes to fome parti- cular Dutves , he gives more to them then ever I did ; For ex- ample, Prayer for pardon of fin and other rnercyes, he affirms not only profitable and necellary but even efficacious;and affirms and labours to prove that they move God , and (peaks againft them that deny it. See him hereof, Decad. 5. Senn. pag,. I mthi ) 394. Et Compend. Chrifi-ian. Relig. pag (niiht) 9$. IL 7. Et de Origine ErrorL.: lib. i pag. 6). Scharrius, 5. cCharpias is moil zealous againft Iuftificationby Works ; and yet affirmeth that they are means, and Conditio fine .9:44 non , that they mutt be done as the way to falvation , and to efcape eternal punifhment ;. and that God pard one h not with- out Repentance, and that pardon and ods favour are effeas of Repentance. See curf.Theolog. Contr. I I. p. 954, 956,958. Con. p. 98-6. de P cenit. p. 1043, Er Syrnploon, p. 403. Chytrxos. 6. CH )trais in Num, 5 pag. 41,42. faith, [ This Law is a clear cofirmation of the Rule The fin is rot forgiven, unlefs that which is taken away be reftored For though it be true that fin is pardoned freely, that is, without our compenfa- Lion andMerit ; yet is it neceffary that in true Repentance the Purpofe of finning be laid ofde , and of retaining againft con- fcience other wens goods; As ifaido faith, Ceafe to do evil. This Reftitution is not Canonical fatisfaetion, &c. but part of Contri- tion or New Obedience. ] And c. zi. p. 212. he makes that Faith which is the Inftrument of receiving Chrift, and by which God giveth us Righteoufiaefs, to be an Acknowledgment of Chrifts