Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(443) Chas perfon , fatisfa.ftion , -and benefits, and an embracing of the whole Doctrine of Chritt with firm affent ; and a Refola- tion notto forfake our con-idence by any doubts, diffidence' vi- cious inclinations of nature , rage of Tyrants or death it felt j And cap. a I. pag, 9t, oz. he maintaineth that the truly Re- conciled to God and Saints may lofe Gods grace and Spirit, and Faith, and that fome have done fo,and been reconciled again,and All Pone. others dyed in impenitency and perifhed. This is more for the flaws, Luthe- rans, and C41- neceffity of Obedience, to the continuance of Justification, then vini#s. I ever Paid or believed : The like may be Paid ofLather, Melan. ahon, and all the Princes and Divines that joyned in the firft fa- mous Confefiion of the Proteitains ( the 4agagane ) , which afferteth the lofing of the Spirit and grace : and all thofe Churches and Divines (the L.orberans) who Rill own that Con- feffion and Do; rine and 1114fcaMs who is of the fame mind r All thefe, while they maintain that Justification is loft by difobe- dience, and grofs fin, mutt needs hold that Obedience is a Con- dition of not lofing our Justification. So that there are many NatiOns of Proteitants joyn in this one reltimony : As alfo do all ours ofthecontrary opinion, while they confefs that, Ifwe Mould lofe our holynefs and true Obedience,we Ihould lofe our Justification. 7. A Lthainar. Concilia. L90. Script. Loc. mt. fol.97 ex- poundeth [ Do this and thoufh.-dt live] of Altliamar, Loving God with all the heart, being intent on him, truftin g him, depending on him, obeying his Government, hoping in him, and not in our own Righteoufners, doing good to the needy : And faith, this is not Justification by Works, but the fame as flab. 2. the jag fb,4l1 live by Faith. See him alfo, fol. 109. 147.104.10'5. 154* L11 2, 8. Tellicanos