Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 444 ) Il'el;icanus. 8- p Ellicanus on ?eh. 1.9 If after the receiving of $ap. tifm andRepentance, you happen to flip into any fault through humane infirmity, &c. If one brother happen to wrong another, let one forgive another, that God in like manner may, forgive what is done againft him. For on this. Condition bath God promifed that he will forgiveus whatever we do againft him, if we forgive the offence ofour brother. For the Lord will exact his Debt to the uunoft farthing, of him who having tryed, the mercy of his Lord, behaveth hirnfelf unmercifully to his fel- low fervant ; as judging himunworthy of the mercy of God , towhom h, once pardoned allhis fins, and he refufeth to forgive a light offence, to himwhomhimfelfdoth daily offend or may of- fend. And as it is moft hard for men not to offend, fo it is moft eafie to buil fuch f.. ffences by mutual pardon : Do thou forgive thy neighbour, and let thy neighbour alfo forgive thee ; andGod as of Covenant will forgive you both. I fpeak of fuch errors as, befall theGood, being but men and wh!c-h rather darken then, extinguifh the light of Evangelical Truth. And nothing more inviteth the mercy of God, and mitigateth his wrath, then, if a man confefs his fin to God. If a fierce man will forgivehim that confeffeth his fault, howmuch more will God do it , who is more merciful then man? Forhe is prone to merry , and he pro- mifeth us pardon on this Condition, Forgive, and it (hall be for- given you. Only do thou perform the Condition prefcribed, and he will not forget his Covenant, if we from our hearts forgive our neighbour who offendetir us, God in like manner will forgive us, not only one or two faults, but all our fins fo be it we ftrive according to our power that at laft we may be free from all Vices. And on c. 2. p. 165. E He difowns all them in whom he feeth not Evangelical Righteoufnefs,which is of faith,andis not barren, but fruitful in works of Charity : But if you are perfwaded that: God is the Author of this Righteoufnefs know thii alio , that whoever not in meer profefsion, but in his defires , deeds, and manners, performeth Evangelical Righteoufnefs, is born of God: to wtom, being confcious of this) good in himfelf (ar having a good confcience) he may come with that confidence, as obe- diei