Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 445 ) client children are Wont to a gracious father : Thofe that are like him he will own : the unlike he will difown. Andon lam. 2. p.696,697. [ By his deeds he deferved the Fade of Righteoufnefs : but by fuch as came from faith. But if Abraham fhould have Loft the fruit of faith, and the praifeof Righteoufnefs, if he had thought much at Gods corn mand to have facrificed his Son than hisfaith ptofit- him , who thinks much atGods command to bellow a garment onhis neigh- bour that ftarveth ? or to give meat to the hungry, drink to the thirfty, &c.-- Of fuch force with God is mercy and bounty to our neighbour, that a woman, that a Harlot , that a ftranger commended by a workof hofpitality, deferved to be an- numerated in the Catalogue of the Godly &c.-- and the de- ferved the praife of Righteoufnefs inGods books , not of faith only, becaufe fhe was .perfwaded. that Gabeing the Rewarder no ones good deeds fhould be loft to him fpecially which was given to.the good,or at leaft with refped to God, but from hence in that defpifing the danger of her own life,fhe lookt to the life of the Spies ]. On Heb. 13, p 679. [With fuch facrifices God is appealed to us ( placidos wobis it Dews.) EditsSnecanus illethoel. Loc. corn. pag. 2 5 For the Genius Sne- 9 V.1 Gofpel to promife eternal life freely. and yet to re-. canus. quire Faith and,Repentance, are not contrad idory. For thefe are not required as.a Writ of ',office, orof Remifsion of fin,and acceptation to falvation ; but as the Correlative ofthe Promite ; faith and good Works are not the. Trnpulfive caufe, or Price or debt, by whole dignity we fhould Merit eternal life, but they are as the ad funds or propereffects of faith. The Conditional form of fpeech therefore If thou believe denoteth not the caufe, but the manner in which Chrifts Merit is applyed ---- For though the Gofpel have annexed its own Condition of Faith Repentance and a NewLife, (for thefe are not excluded by faith, but ra her included) yet it excludeth the Condition of our Dig- nity and Merit and transferreth the mile of Remifsion of fin, and falvation from us to the benefit of Chrift. So pag 133. and frequently, hemakes Pietyyerforraance,&c. L 1 3 Con