Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(446) Conditions of the Promife and perfeverance in an &c. con- ditions of the Threatning, indeed going further then I will follow hm. Geor 5:o Eorg. Sohn!as Exegef. Cong eArug-t0. faith as much g , h- againft all the Arguments brought for Jufti carton by Works, as molt ever did, yet faith, Artie. 4. de '114'1- [ Rev. :2. i I. He that is jug', let bino be jullified John fpeaks here of free Juftification, that is Remillion of fin ; and he will have that to be continuedand continually done in this life : For though Remifsion of finbe frilly and petfealy done as oft as it is done;_yet becaufe findwelling in our flea), doth daily us to offend, we have every etty need of 1ultilicarion and Re- miffion of ji;:. Whence it is that the holy&men have need ac, cording to (Thrifts prefcripr every day, yea every hour andmo- ment to beg Remifsion of fins. As therefore they whole fins are forgiven, do daily pray , Forgive as our trefpares ; fo he that is Jultified, is I uftified fIll ( or further jufti':ed) : The fenfe thre- fore of this place is , Re that is freely juftified by Chrift, let him be yet (or further ) juftified, in avoiding fins, by conftant maintaining ( or keeping) that Iuflification bath once attained : Or if he fin , ( as the holyeft often fin ) by feeking again the pardon and Remifsion of fins.] Here he afferteth I. Aneed ofdaily luftificationfrom the guilt of daily fins.. z. That we keep and continue our Iultification, T. By avoiding fin, that is, by Obedience,. -I.. By begging pardon when we do fin : and thus he that is juftified muft be juftified fill ( Though others think the text Rev. 22. fpeaks of inherent Righteoufnefs.) Pag. 907, Good Works are not excluded from IuftiFcation, fo as not tobe prefent or to follow when men are juftilied : but Only from the caufe ofIuilification,that is, There is excluded on- ly the opinion of Merit or the Condition of the worthy- nefs of Works but not the Necefsity and Duty of doing well. -- Pag. 908. Salvation is protnifed both For Patience , and For Affliaions, and other good Works ; and yet not by dick" tub