Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(447) but by Faith do we take the Promife of Grace and Salvati- on.--- Pag, 9 1+ It may be underflood of the Inchoate Righteouf- nefs of the Faithful, to wit, that Righteoufnefs in us doth but only Inchoately ; and that Love is our Righteoufnefs, but Inchoately.- Pag. 9°4.. Many things are required b't in the fame ma- ner and refpea. For Faith is required as the Infirument and means of apprehen'ion and application of Chrifis Righteonfnefs Contrition as an Antecedent neceffarily conjoyned by Divine Or- dination. Pag. 873. Let it be fo that the Apofile fpeaks ofgood Works, yet not the caufe (of Juffification ) but the Condition is noted, &c. vid. rebei.- - He oft confeffeth that Salvation is our due upon the IufEce of Gods promi e, though not of Merit and pag. 923. that the Fathers ufe the word Iuftification for making us inherently righteous : See what he faith pag. 926,927,928. of the Fathers, ufe ofthe words Merit and Satisfying ] If 10h.Spangenbergius Margarl Theol puffificationcompre- sp,rigenber. hendeth three Members,Remifsion offin, Acceptation to ous. Life Eternal, and the giving of theHoly Ghoft. pag. IS.] And p. 31. 23. What doth theword freely exclude? It excludeth not Repentance or Contrition and good Works ; but it excludeth the Condition of our own worthynefs, and transferreth the caufe of the benefit ( of Pardon and the gift of Life Eternal on mer- cy alone.] fol. 14. He makes thole that commit mortal fins, as Fornication, Theft, Drunkennefs, &c. to fall from grace, and to ceafe to be Reputed Righteous ] Pag. 2,5,, God. Works deferve Rewards Corporal and Spiritual, T X, .11iricess