Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 449 ) fufficiently. 2. Becaufe no place of Scripture can be produced in which the name ofWorks fignihrth a faith Atimous and ,Confp-i7 cuoti. by Works: Andwe maynot urge Inch a fenfe of words which have no footfieps anywhere in Scripture. ;. &caufe the whole context cloth ftrongly contradit this expofition putting Faith and Works as contradiflin& ; was The offering 0!..f a'aac FaithConfpicuous by Works And is expofition (that it is onlybefore men that Faith jufti- fieth) is confuted by our Divines, and contradifted by the Text, which inentiomth Gods Imputing righteoufnefs : and the infuf ficiency of Faith alone to fave. WIgandus and Index Illiricus his companions , in their Wigandus Syntagns. pag. 204, 205, zoo. fay, Hence it is evi- and Muth. dent to whom it is that Chrift teacheth that his Merit,Righteouf- index. nets obtained by fulfilling the Law, or Remiffion of fins is exhi- bited and applyed : to wit, to repenting (inners, not to the obfti- nate, not to hypocrites that arrogate to themfelvesa Righteouf- nefs of Works, and fatisfaelion of the Law : To them that la- bour and are heavy laden , that is, do feel the heavy weight and yoak of fin, &c. Of the order that God obferveth in Juftifying man, Chrift teacheth thus : That firft, he doth by his word, that is the Miniflry of the Law, excite in menshearts true Repentance, or acknowledgment of fin, and ferious unfeigned humiliation , that there may be in us true forrow for fin, and all confidence of our own worthynefs may be taken from us, and we may feel that we deferve nothing but juft damnation, &c. And then that God in great love to mankind, doth by the voice of the Gofpel pro- pound grace, free pardon of fin, ife by and for Chrift, to all Mortals, and willeth, yea coramardeth , that all by this voice do lift up, and comfort themfelves, embrace Gods be- nefits, certainly believe in the Son, &c. (This can thew no lefs, then that all thefe are Conditions prerequifite to Iuftification. And pag. 240. and 26z, they conclude that grace is loft by evil Works, and eternal punithmentsbrought on men, unlefs they re. pent ; that Faith, Grace, and the holy- , hoft are excuffed by evil works ; unlefs we be again converted to God, &c. Though I Mm m agree