(451) their Doarine ofApoflacy,but becaufe they are generally noted (fpecially fence the Conflifts with Melancehon and Georg. Ma;or) to run too far on the other fide in the point of Juitifica: tion. ........ 16. R. Rob. 'Bolton, Direct. for walking With God. pag. 213. Mr. [ Dreadful alfo is the doom of the faid Father upon r' B°11". all wrong-doers : Thefin not Remitted, except that Which bath been tinjutily taken be reftored ; Either in a& if thoube able, or at leaft in unfeigned affeLiion if thy Hate be waited ] Pag. 215. [ Zachetss's penitent proclamation confified of two branches, Luk. 14. 8. as well for Reftitution as diftribution : He that would find the fame mercy,muft follow the fame method ] Pag. 264. [ The laft and everlaiting doom at that great and dreadful day, mutt pafs upon us according to our carriage in this kind Then !hall there be a fevere and fincere fearch and enquiry made after Works, as the figns, and evidences, and outward de- monftrations ofFaith, and the root of Grace in the heart : or of unbelief and rottennefs at the heart, and conreqnently as argu- ments of a righteous doom paired on the Sheep and Coates. That glorious Sentenceof Abfolution, Comeye bleffed, &c. !ball be pronounced upon the Godly according to the effe&s and fruitsof their Faith, to teach us in the mean time, what Faith toTruft unto,andReft uponfor Iuftification,even that which works by Love, &c. ( Should I have talked of Truiling to Faith , or Refting on it I know what I Ihould have heard : Yet I think the fober and judicious are not offended at thefe words.) Mmm z 17. Mr.