( 452, ) Aff.'Calamy, 97' R. Calamy in his Sermon before the Houfe of Corn. and other of mons, Dec.22. 1641, pag. 24. [ And for my part, I OWDivines in knownot any Dacctrine more fuitable to work upon your hearts their bumilia- and affeetions then this plain Conclufion That there is no ton Se; mons. other way to procure bleilings fromGod, or to turn away judge- ments from theLand , but by turning from fin to f, ocl, The Wrath and Punifhments which fin hath twitted, Repentance will un- twifi ;Sin is as a thick cloud, flopping the Sun-fhine of c., ods mer- cy : but if we turn from fin, thiswill melt the cloud , and caufe the Sun of Righteoufnefs to Thine uponus : Sin it is as a Devil in the Ayr, to hinder our Prayers from afcending : but if we turn from fin, this will charm the Devil, and make Satan like lighte- ning fall down from heaven, &c. Sin is a wall of feparation be- tween God and us. To turn from fin, will break down this wall Sin is the great make bate between God and man , &c. To tutn from fin, is a key to unlockall the thefts of Gods mercyes. It is Clovis viftertimDel, A prefervative againft. all mifery. 0 the Di. vine Rhetorick, and omnipotent efficacy of Repentance ! Read out the reft of that ufeful Sermon. Any of the molt eminent Divines of this Nation in their HumiliationSermons before the Parliament and City,have faid as much for Repentance and Reformation as conducing to pardon, as ever I did. I will not ftand to cite ihe particular pal- fages, becaufe my number bath fwelled already fo big , but ufe them as one Teftimony, defiring them that queftion it , to perufe /heir words. 98. Dr. White