4) 98. T r. White in his Reply to FiAer, page 174. faith [The D. White. Proteftant Datrine concerning Good Works is perfpi- cuous, Orthodoxal &c. x. We believe that Good Works are neceffary to falvation, &c. z. God Rewardeth Good works of his bounty and grace, &c. 3. In giving Reward he confidereth the mind and quality of the doer, the integrity, meafure and quantity ofthe work, 2 Chron. 9. 6. 4. The Reward is Certain and Infallible, &c. 5. There is in all good works, a Dignity,not of Defert or equiparance,either in refpe6t of God, ofwhomwe can deferve nothing, or in refpe6t of theReward ; but onlyof:race, divinefimilitude,goodnefs and honour. 6. The Reward of GOod works is called a Crown of Righteoufnefs, becaufe it is beftowed on them which exercife Righteoufnefs, and in .Regard of their Righteoufnefs ; but Merit of Condignity, and Righteoufnefs are divers things, &c. 7. The Ancient Fathers maintained -no Merit of Condignity, but by the word Ajeari,they underftood either to obtain, or to Impetrate, &c. 8. The Prime P4,-t of mans is the Remiflion ofhis fins, and the Righteoufnefs of faith ; for .,.faq what without thefe there canbe no true and living moralRighteonfnels, condition. and where thefe are found,good works arenever wanting.] thcle te.ts Page 165. The promife of Remillion of fins is condJ ientioRs. tioneal, Ifa. i. 16,17,18. Ezek, 8. z . Prov. 28. 13 Mat. 6. 14,15. john 15. i o, &16. Heb. 5. 9. 4nd thefarne b(cometb uot abfolate, Pal the Condition be fulfilled, either ativally or in defire and preparation ofmind and the full affurance of Remif- fion of fins, fucceedeth Repentance, faithobedience,and mortifi- cation,] Page i66 We maintain that fuck perfons only can have true affurance and Certainty oftheir JuftificatiOn which believe and Repent, and are refolvecl to obey Gods Command- ments. AChriftian ofa -contrite Spirit believing only that his fins are Remifsible, and which earneffly defireth remifsion of fins by the Merits ofChrift, and Joyneth with this de-fire the ,exer- cifes ofVertue, Receiveth Forgivenels, although he be vexed with fcruples and temptations, and want Affurance and perfwalion in himfelf that his fins are remitted. 3. The particular certainty of Remifsion of fins which Juft perfons attain to upon their Repen- tance, Obedience-andFaith, is not equal in the futility of Affent to;