(454) `to that affurance which they have about the common objeet of faith, to wit, the Articles ofCreation, Trinity, Incarnation, Re- furreftion, &c. ---- 5. The difference between fome learn- ed Papilis (who lived fince the Trident Council)and us concern- ing this 0,Lieftior,, is very fmall (if it be any at all) for they maintain that juft perfons may have a true and certainAfTurance, without diftruftful doubting of their Juftification, and that info- fed faith inclineth and leadeth immediately to this Certainty and Affurance. Laffly our Docirine concerning the form and man- ner ofJuftification is the fame which Peter Lombard affirmed to be Orthodoxal in his daies. See page 17 I73. The Catalogue of Papifts that are againft Merit ofCondignity. John Wic 19,1 ohs; wicliff,rrialog. 14.4. cap.24. fol. 140,141. [ Phronef. i. Our true believers as well as the adverfaries, the difciples of Antichrift, do alke confefs that to the blotting out offin,it is re- qu red that we have t ue Contritionofheart:whence thefirft dif- pofitionofforrow, which is not fufficient to the blotting out of fin, they call Attrition; and the following forrow which is fuf. ficient, they call Contrition -- Of Contrition .I have fpoken in the third part ofmy fermons 64. That it is a farrow fufficient to the blotting out of fin , which muff be greater for the Lofs of Grace , then the forrow for the Lofs of any tempo- ral Commodities. And as long as fuch a degree of forrow for fin is wanting in the firmer, he doth not fully forrow with Contrition, for the lots ofthe husbandofthe Church.] [Hence alfo it appears that he that is truly Contrite, doth not commit his former fin ; for if he did commit it, he would lofe the Degreeofhis Due forrow, either extenfively or intenfively. And theDoftors truly fay, that, To Repent, is To lament fins pall, and no more to commit the fins lamented. ] See his proofs from Reafon of a future Judgement and Re- ward, li. 4. cap. 39. fol. 168 where he faith,' [Seeing God is In- finitely more Liberal and Bountiful then any temporal Lord : But temporal Lords from the Reafon of their Dominion , at theend do Reward their Servants Therefore by greater reafon it fol- lows,