Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

'TT (455 ) lows from his infinite Vertue on Gods part, that he will finally Reward his fervaaits. But it is not in this life, as is evident : there- fore that Reward is left for the life to come. Nor is it fufficient that the Spirit only be Rewarded ; for the nature of the body as it is by participation Rational, fo it doth Merit punifhment, or yoy, as is touched of man. As Therefore it is repugnant to Gods Liberality and 1uice,that the perfons of men fhall not be finally Rewarded, fo is it repugnant as to the Rewarding of the Corpo- real nature.] See alfo what he faith of Reprobates falling away from a Rate of prefent Grace. and fin returning again that was once blotted out, li b. 3. cap. 6, 7. fol 54, 55, 56. which implyes the necellitv of Obedience to the Continuance of pardon. a ...... ca. T'He Homilies, accountedthe DoSfrine of the Church The nomily of England, fay,as followeth. then. againft difo- Eftgland, bedience, and willful Rebellion, part T. p. 545. (Printed T 569.) [Whereby it is evident,that Obedience is the Principal VertueOf. all Vertues , and indeed the very Root of all Vertues , an the caufe of all felicity.] How. ,of Alms part z p. 3 25, 3 26, The fame leffon cloth the HolyGhoft alfo teach in fundry places of the Scriptureelay- ing, Metcifulnefs and Alms-giving purgeth from all fins, and de livereth from death,and fuffereth not the foul to come into dark- nets. A great confidence may they have before the high God., that Chew mercy and compafsion to them that are afflitled. The wife Preacher the Son of Siraeb confirmeth the fame, when he faith, that as water quencheth fire, even fo mercy and alms refift- -- eth and reconcileth fin. - If ye have by any infirmity and we-aknefs been touched and annoyed with fin, flraight way frail': mercyfullnefs wipe and wafh them away, as Salves and Remedies toheal their (ores and grievous difeafes. nd thereupon. that holy Father Ceprian taketh good occafion, to exhort earnefily to the merciful work of giving Alms, and helping the poor , and there hate