Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 456 ) be admonifbeth to confider how wholfom and prostable it is to relieve the needy and help the , by the which we may Purg our fins, and heal our wounded fouls. j You fee what harp language,the 'lurchof Engl3nd ( as they were called ) ufed and thought ufeful ( which for my part 1 approve not ot, ifor all the Apocryphal Teftimonies.) But afterward they avoid all the er- ror that feems to be contained, by their explication ; and con- clude 3 3o. Though they (the Godly ; hear and read in Gods Word, and otherwhere in godly mens Worksthat Almes deeds, Mercy and Charitablenefs, dothwafh away fin,and blot out ;ni- quity ; yet do they not arrogantly and proudly lick and truft unto them, or brag themfelves of them, &c. The Godly do learn that when the Scriptures fay, that by good and merciful Works we are reconciled CO Gods favour, we are taught then to know what Chrift by his interceffion and mediation obtaineth for us of his Father, when we be obedient to his will.] Pag. 320, 321. [ And as all thefe by their mercifulnefs and tender compafsion which they !.hewed to the miferable members of Chrift in the relieving, helping and fuccouring them with their temporal goods in this life, obtainedGods favour and were dear and acceptable, and pleifant in hisfight : So tv,w they themfelves take pleafure in the fruition of God in the pleafant joyes of heaven, and are alfo in Gods eternal word fet before us as perfea examples ever beforeour eyes, both how we (hall pleafe God in this mortal life, and alfo how wemay come to live in joy with them in everlafting pleafure and felicity. Vla cxltpau- per. Hon. Of Repent. part. 3.p. 538, 539 If thou wilt return and put away all thine abominations out of my fight, thou fhalt never be moved, per. 4. - God will according to his Pro- mile freely pardon forgive and forget all our fins , fo that we (hall never be cal in the teethwith them if obeying his Corn. mandements and allured by his fweet promifes,we will immediate- ly return unto him.] And fpeaking againft the Papills Justification by Works, Hons. Of Salvation, part z. they thew that when we deny Juftification by Works, this is the meaning, To take away clearly all Merit of our Works, as being unable to deferve our Juftification at Gods