1111111111111111111111111MMIMIIIIIIMInallille= ( 455 ) Cods hands,_and thereby moft plainly to exprefs the weaknefi of man, and the goodnefs of God-- and therefore wholly to a- fcribe the Merit and deferving of our Jultification unto (hr.* only, and his moft precious blood-lhedding.] To which I wholly and heartily fubfcribe,anci, therefore excludeWorks as far as they defire. So endeth this Century of Witneffes , ofribing ( in my Judgement) as much to theWorks of man as I,and fome ofthem more. If the Reader would knowwhichof them do fpeak moil my Spalatenfis, own thoughts, I anfwer molt of them, if not all, in a great part. Groans. But Davenant molt fully : and next him Bratifhaw, Bergou, La. D4 Hain- Crowe', and Dr. Twits. There are fome of another ftrain ( mond. Spalatenf. Repub. Eccl. Vol. 3. 1. 7. c.II. Set7. 2o70c. and cap. I t. Sect. 2,44. &c. Sect, 2,51. ad finem. and (7ratios in lac. 2. and Dr. HammondTract. Cat.. &c.) that might profitably be read on this fubjett. But I cite them not, becaufe thofe I fpeak to, are not moved with their authority. SECT. IV. I Will not fo far wrong any of thole Divines that profeffedly differ fromme, as to perfwade the world that they are ofmy mind ; but yeti will lay down the words of fome of them , that the Reader may compare themwith mine, and judge of them as he findeth caufe. Thofe that have manifefted their diffent from me, are of two forts. 1. Some that I fuppofe differ only or chief- ly but in terms,or methods, and not in any momentous Datrine. 2. Such as maintain the Abfolution or Pardon of Elea Infi- dels, or tha . we are juftified before Faith,or fome other Doetrine of moment, wherein I confefs my felt to differ from them. Of the fish fort I will mention Mr. iilake andMr. Burgett. N n n 1. Mr.