Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

slake, I. A R. Blake in his late Treatife of the Covenants, is fo 131.1 full in afferting the Conditionality of Repentance and Obedience, that he fpends whole Chapters upon it , and anfwers the objrftions of the Antinomians againfl it. See Chap. I4 and 15. and 6, 7,8.1 will not Band to cite his words, but referr you to them in his book, zl lagers. 2. R Burlefres words are thefe T neat of Juilif. pag.2 I0. [ For tome grofs fins, there aremany .s,:onditions re- quifto betides humiliation) without which, pardon of fin can- not be obtained.] Andhe inftanteth in Reftitution. And Led. 20. he faith that Scripture limits Juftiication and Pardon only to thofe tubjeas that are fo and fo quali- fied. And Lee. 14. pug, I 17. [ Scripture makes no pardon of fin tobe but where the fubjeet hath fuch Qualifications as this of forgiving others It is not indeed put as a aufe or Merit, but yet it is a Qualification of the fub.e6t therefore our Saviour re- peateth , Except yeforgive others, &c. AR. IC. 47. Korn. 3. Is. 70h. 1. 9. If we confefs,he isfaithful and jrill toforgive,&c. By thefe and the like Scriptures it is plain that Remiffion of fin is given us only in the ufe of thefe races And Led. 18. p, 148, 149. [ Prop. 2. Although the Scripture attributes Pardonof fin to many Qualifications in a man,yet Re- pentance is the molt exprefs and proper duty. - if we fpeak of the exprefs formal Qualification, it is Repentance of our fin% &c. [''Prop 3.None may believe or conclude that their fins are pardoned, before they have Repented, Math. 3 . 2. Ltik. 13, 3.] 'Prop 4. There is a necellity of Repentance if we would have pardon;both by nueflity of Precept, and of Means. The Spirit of ( od worketh this in a man to Q.Lalifiehim for this pardon p.I5o.Alfo he hath well (hewed in a whole Letiure,that our Fual Iuftification at ludgement, will be more compleat then this 14i. frasioFix, which we have here. Yet