Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(457 ) Yet if the ReverendAuthor (hail 1e caul to put any fence on his words cow: ary to mine, f aiall readily admit his Interpreta- tion, it beingmy purpofe only to produce thofe words that teem to me to fay as much as I do l and nor to fallen any feafe on them but what he (ball own. Alfo Vind. Leg. Lat. 4. he fait[Holynefs and Codlynefs is the end of our Faith and uftification and ;hat is the meaning of our Divines who fay, Charity or Love 0., God is the end of Faith, till he bath brought us into eternal Glory , and there we have perfe&Inherent ilolynets, though even then the glory, and honour of all that tha 1 be given to Chnit. Now indeed it bath pleafed God to take another way for our Acceptation then thall be hereafter. Only this may make for the Excellency of Saneti- fication, that therefore is Chriit and Grace,and Jultification,and all, that at laft we may be made perfectly Holy.] And in the mar. gent thus [Becaufe Godlynefs Inherent is the end of our Faith and Juftification.] See more of this,Lea. 14. pag 13 3,1 34.Edit. prim. And Le& 3. p. 33. 1 2. Our holy Detyes, they have a Prennife of pardon and eternal Life, though not becaufif of their worth , yet to their pretence.] And Lea.. 4. p. And thus in this fenfe , tome Learned men fay , Good Works are neceffary to preferve a man in the Rate of Juffification, although they do not immediately concurr to that aet. And p. [ Hence fome Divines fay, That though Godlynefs be not meritorious, nor caufal of fa/vation , yet it may be a Mo- tive.] And pag 41. Cc. They are a Condition without which a man cannot be faved. 3. /I R. Lockjer faith the like -whether he is one of thole 'VI that d.ffent fromme, or ofwhich rank I know not) His mr, , words are there on ",/q/. 4., defcribing pardon of fin, having Lockier fhewed that it note:: 2,eeonciliation that it is an A& o?,_,od, an Evangelical he Adde11, C 'ris a conditional aCt men muff Repent, and then God forgives : Itepcnt that your tins may be Nnn z blotted