4 means tic forgiver not rintbont it , =acne be for- . vvenot for it. 1 ( 458) blottedout; theta runs the G ofpel throughout. Repentance bath two things; Senfe of fin, and Faith in Chilli, which Grace is laid toJultifie, becaufe a nect(stry Condition of juftification; and with- out which, though not for which, God doth forgive. eribr 's- karn believed, and it was imputed to him for Righteoufnefs,which is as much as if the Holy Ghoft had laid , Abrahams went in the right way of luftiFcation, and fo found it : he fought it not by Works, but by Faith ( for )ou know that is the difpute there ) This was imputed to him for Righteoufnefs ; This, that is , not actiss Credend, the naked aft of believing the ate ab iraftively confidered, but conjunetively confidered , as fuck a hand laying hold of Inch a perfon ; this is the Condition which the t- ofpel calls for that thrift be truftectin, which alfo God Works, which work beingwrought, Iuftification follows aetu, ally. Here Mr. L. 1. Makes Fifth to be the TakingofChrift, and fo do I. 2., He:makes thevery A&of Faith it felf to be Imputed for Righteoufnefs not thenaked Act abftractively confidered, without its object, but the act conjunctively confidered , as the hand-laying holdof thrift, (thatis as this Faith in Specie.) 3 He faith, Pardon is a Condi ional act. 4. He makes Repentance as well as Faith the Condition. 5.He makesFaith therefore to ju- ftifie, becaufe a neceffary Conditionof Jollification, or,a going the right way tp Itiftification. r.l. Owen; 4. R. lokts Oven faith, Treat. againft Univerfal Redempt. M 7tce.. li.2. c, T. p 5 3 In thi !aft way they areufually called, c.fmncelio,e of. Fa th being the means of which we fpeak, and Salvation the end, Oxford. Faith .she C ondition ;Salvation the i,romifed Inheritance : under 1 the name ofFaith we comprize all faving grace,that accompanies it : and undeieffename of Salvation, the whole glory to be re- vealed; the liberty of the glory of thechildrenof God all that bleffednefs which confifteth inan ,Eternal fruition: of, the 53 That