( 459) Y. rrHat Mr. Cr4nelen acknowledgeth the main part of what I alien, I have manifefted in my Reply to him, towhich .0andor: I referr the Reader ; Sect, 7. And withhis name willI conclude this file, as knowing none that is worthy to fucceedhim. tthinkupon concurrenceof fo many Affenters as I have be- fore produced, I may fafely and boldly advife all thofe that have theverlant4 happinefs of their fouls, that they take heed of their Dectrinewho make themeer Receivingof, that is, Af- fiance in the Righteoufnefsof Chrift, o be the foie Condition of their firit Junification, eicluding Repentance,and the Reception of Chrift as Teacher and King, and Head and husband, from be- ing any Condition of it, yea and will have no other Conditionof our Juftification at Iudgement; Who call that Affiai. ce only by thename of luftifying Faith, and all other ads by the Rune of Works, and tell men, that tobe luftified by the Receiving of -Chrift as Kingor Prophet, or to be pardoned on Condition of Repentance or Confefflon , is to be ;unified and pardoned by Works there beingno way to be ;unified by any ad of ours, but as an Infirument, or as a Work ; And the Affiance ont brills Righteoufne's is:the only Inftrument : So that- adl the reit of I Faith in Chrift, together with Repentanceand N wObedience are not fo much as Conditions of our 'unification firft or Lail bur mee figns ; and to fay the contrary is Popery, or Iudaifm. Unhappy is thefoul that reduceth this Do6frine into Praetife,and whole Affections and Converfations are Regulated' thereby. i. 64 will yet believe with Reverend Mr: G'ines, that [though hu_ liation do not walla the hands.yet,doth it,pull off the (..:-love Z] And I will faywith that choice fervant of C brig:, Mr. NvItC1911 co No" of Dell,iam (Serra before the Parliament, Sept_ 1 2-. 16 pag. mt)1. 19 2,04 [ There is a way whereby we may prevent ( Gods charging finupon us) and that is, by charging our fins,hotrie "upon our felves. For ifwe would judge our felves we fbould ".not-be. judged, of the Lord, I Or. I I 32. SO if we would U- N n n 3, Alk