Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(460) cure our felves, indite our felves, we fhould not be accufed, in- " diced of the Lord ; if we would charge fin upon our ff.-.1ves God would not charge our fins upon us : if we would e- member them,God would forget them ' ifwe would let them this day before our faces, God would call them this days our " his back therefore let us accufe, indite charge. , felves, that we may be cleared; acquitted, released; abfolved of " the Lord.] Hcombeek, And i fay as Troornbeek Srxinianirmi Confut. li. t, c. 8. p.187. "Et propter ninfquenda, neee/Prig eft t2rism b(-- " dientia : Obedience to the Precepts is neceffary to the obtain- -" ing of the things contained in the Promifes. Dr. sob. And as Dr. dbiior. Nufilman item decreta Remjliopeceatorum boc, brepic rPonitentia,neque unquam alia conditione concei,ra ef des e,-go remiffionis ptei4tentiam peccato?'urs Antieipare non debet. Negate vero rode pax quiafutura peccata,nobis remila effe Credi® mut cum -fpoftolo, likraturam not Dominum ab omni opere malo, confervatufum adRegnsonfuton, ubiliquidfecut intereidtt , per lotemannam infirtnitatem,eflo,led Impietas efto addere animum pc. cAndi quia futon; fisoque peccataremiffafunt,- Ilud nortik prebamus,Nenitention vita Chrifliana affidnum exercitium&opus tiff ; ut quomodoquoWiana eft ofenfio,tta vogue RennifSio quoit- dianafit, nec ablefue peenitentiad,rendum unquam putemus, Remitte nohis debita noftra. Abbot in Thorn/Oni Diatrib. cap. 24. par. 212. See alfo what he faith, cap. 25, 26. pag, 2I 3. of Faith, as be- ing a mixt Habit, ;ape only in the will, nor only in the under- itanding, but in the heart, that is in both, and fo to be defined. T Have produced this Confent , in the point of Juftification becaufe it is the main that men areoffended at : Suppofing it as eafie to produce. in many of the refit for example, in that other which Mr, raryI Teems to touch upon, and Mr. Cran,40e cloth fo fiarioufly a'ffault me in , viz,. That God puniflieth his yea after their Iuftification for all Chrills bearing the Peaatty., and fatisi, ing for their fins. -Becaufe it is known to be fo common a Igo.urine, I will cite but the words of two