{461) two Divines : the one unqueftionablyOrthdox , and a fufferer for oppofing the engh/h conformity, fo far was he from being a friend to Popery : Theother, the moil Learned, though - of all my Adverfaries. a, R Vdall on Lament. 4.6. p. 1.61,165. Doe.. TheGod- ' ly do ufually full=more grievous Puniftiments in this life, then any other people whatfoever.] vii. rsltr, Pag. 137. [ Dace. Every child of God is juftly punifbed, that faileth in any duty whatfoever it be, that God hath commanded him in his Word.] The third Reafon is, [ The leaft failing in our duty is a fin,that provoketh Gods anger and bringeth a CHrfe , feem it never fo trifling a matter in our corrupt judgement.] The fecond U fe is [ to Reprove them that think themfelves wronged if they be punned, and have not fallen into notorious grofs fins ; 3. To teach us to acknowledge. God to be Holy,Tuft, and Righteous, whatfoever he lay upon us here.] Pag. 132. ma 3. Whatfoever man fuffereth, he is to esteem. it juftly dererved by his fins that he hath committed. R ea f. . Be- caufe God is juft and cannot do any wrong. z. Al! men commit many fins, the leaf} whereof deferve all that canhe laid upon us. The ufe is to teach us. t .In all our Affliftions to acknowledge our fins tobe the caufe thereof,&c, 2.To learn to juftifie Cod,(which is the drift of this place) &c, Pag 45. [ DoFi. I. Gods people do acknowledge his Iuftice in all his Works, yea even in his Punifhments !aid upon them.] ead the Reafons and Ufes, Why did never. Mr. Cary/ nor Mr. ceiosdok) go about to V in- dicate that which they take for the Truth of God, againft Mr. KW and a hundred fuch, before me ? 2. MR George Kendal of Perfeverance in the Epift [Every fin draws a kourge after it : albeit he defign men to heaven, yet many times he deftroyes them on earth : Sometimes blots out their names here below, as much as they are written in indelible Characters above ; yea often leaves them to lupe in the Mi. Watt. See Afr. Rich, Bernards Biblcs Or. p. 87. A Ca- talooe of Gods Infir ments of wath,robere. with be bath pain flied both Goply and xvirird that trav,t finned. pag.83. M' M. Gerege Kendall.