( 462 ) /heir pofterity in this world, after they are Crowned with glory in the ocher, and vitits the fins of their lives after their death, on that part of themwhich formes in their lifue; So terrible is God in his lodgements , even to thole who have aloft of his mercy.] H E Lord of mercy forgive thofe men that have ne- ceflitated me to fpend to much time to fo little pur- Tole , and to draw the Reader to the like inconvenience , and pardon every fault of mine that hath occafioned mens offence ! And haften that time when the lacerated divided 'Churches shall be United , and the now contentious, exulce rated mindes of their Leaders (hall be calmed and modera- ted I when the name of a Party or Fatlion than be as hate- ful as the name of a Drunkard or a Whore-monger ! and the confuming Zeal for mens own Opinions, may be turned into a Zeal, for the Chriftian Faith , and for a holy and Peaceable heart and life ! when reconciling Truths 1114 be more Well-come to the Churches ; and they that have-fo long fought in the Dark for their Extreams which have carryed them to* Separations and Hatred of one another may know at lift what Spirit they are of, and may attend to the meek iultruetions of their Prophet, and the Rill Voice of the Prince of Peace ; and unanimoufly following the Conduel of his Star, may return to the fimplicity that is in Chrift I And the Lord illuminate and fend forth fome Mefferiger, that may acquaint the Churches with that True, middles re- conciling method of Theological Verities , which mull be the means of healing our divilions. Let men be railed of greater fuffi-ciency for this work , and of fuch bleffed accomplifh- ments as limit be fit to cope with the power of pre;udice. and let the fury of blind Contradiftion be fo calmed that Truth may have opportunity to do its work. And let not the Lord give men over to believe a Lye, becaufe they re- (dived not the Truth in love I nor give up our ftrength and glory to be deftroyed by Sehitms nor bury us and our hopes in a deluge of Delofioni , becautt v the Unity of his Saints, and would not Peace. F N: