Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

own Judgement concerning that fincere Caving Grace, which we may fafely try our elates by, I have plainly (as I could) laid down in that Chapter, and my Direaionsfor Peace, and in the 39th S. to S.5 3.0fmy Reply to Mr Blake : from whence I molt defire the Reader to fetch it, and not from the Interpretation j of Mr K. which fo feldom have the hap to be acquainted with theTruth, and who profeffeth himfelf that he cloth not under. nandme : (whether it be long of me or himfelf, I detertriine not.) To thee I than now adde only thefe few words. The everlalling Enjoyment of God in Glory by peddled Man, is the Felicity which all fhould defire and leek. This is propounded to us by God in his Word, and the trecelTary means thereto prefcribed ; Even Jefus Chrift, and Faith in him, and Obedience to him, and to God inand by him. The diftempered fed-mil Appetite, and depraved Will ofman, do incline to Infe- riour fenfnal Delights. God bath refolved that thefe (hall not be their felicity ; and that they 111311 never be happy in the en- joYment of him, except they take him for their Chief Good, and fo farre forfake Inferiour Good, which would draw the heart from him : and except alfo they Give up themfelves to his Sonne JefusChrift, and to his Spirit,to be Recovered unto Him. Though all men by Nature defire to be Happy, yet all do not Difire God as their Happinefs : Nor do the Regenerate them- felves yet perfelly Defire him, or crerfealy forfake that Inferi- our Good, which was their fuppofed Happinefs before they were Renewed. TheUnderftanding is commonly acknowledg_ ed to have three kin& ofaas : t. A fimple apprehenfion of the meer Entityof a thing, or ofa fiple term. 2. Judgement :`'or the Conception ofa Complex term. 3. Difcourfe.The firft alone moves not the Will, becaufe it concludes not of the Goodnefs or Evil of the thing Apprehended. The fecond (Judgement) is either about the End or the Means : andeither Abfolute, or Comparative. Several things are commonly cal=led, Mans End ( how properly I now enquire not) i, Felicity in General. 2. Himfelf, the fubjea, commonly called theFinis cRi. 3 .The Natural and Moral perfeetion of his Perfon. 4. The Ad offru ition, or perfe& Complacency in the Blared objea, upon a full Vifion t commonly called, our formal felicity. 5. The Object it Pelf (that is, the Bleffed God ) commonly called our obje- dive