Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Good, and to Nil and Rejed it as Inconfiftent with a Greater Good, or a hinderer ofit. But if it fall out that the Inconfiften- \ cy ofthefeis not difcerned or believed,or but Imperfeetly,then i may the Will by a Praeiit al Volition Will them both. 1 To apply this 1 The Underitaniing of the unregeneratemay !know that God is Good, and Good to them, and that in very many and weighty refiwAs he is (Irritable. They may know that worIcIlv chin;, will fh'n.tly !,-;ave them, and then if they have lam CAs frioar ;,;,y (hall perms : but ifthey have, they (hall i attain both perfation of body (which they may defire)and per- Ifeetionof rninde,(which t14.1,- delve in geaeral, and may fubmit to in the particularway of ii-diimis,as more tolerable then Hell) betides fome imperfea ineffe8mal knowledge.of a beauty, and detirablenefs in Holinefs it felt, accompanied with an anfwerable motion of theWill : But every unrenewed man, bath more pre. valent .Apprehenfions of the Goodnefs of the Creature (partly by unmaftered fenfe, and partly by perverted reafon) and there- fore apprehendethGod as Evil tohim, fo far as he would hin- der his enjoyment thereof, or would pundit him for finfull ad- hering to it : So that i. his higheft Prat:heal eftimation is ofthe. Creature, yet not without fome efteem of God : 2.r And his prevailing Will is to the Creature, but not without fome Will to God. And ordinarily Each men are fo fully convinced of the ImPoffibilityofenjoying the Creature for ever, and being hap, py any other way then in God, that, though they could with aneverlafting fulnefs of the Creature,yet(feeing none but fools do Intend an End which they know Impoffible to be &trained ) they do therefore compound a felicity in their 'own fancies, of the world fora time , and Heaven for Everlaffing : One part ftandingin the enjoyment of the delights of the Beth while they live bete ; and the other in thedeliverance fromHell, and blef fednefs inHeaven hereafter : doping that thefe arenot inconfi- ttent,bm theymay have heaven when they can enjoy the w1d no longer : becaufe they fee that many Saints Poffefs abund?nce of earthly bleffiugs, and perfecation is not now fo common as it bath been, therefore they fuppofe they may poffefs the like : uponwhiCh exile tation they Enjoy what the Godly do but ufe, and fo give it the preheminence in their hearts : Or if they be convinced ofthe Incontil___ je_Tfyj:dZaSa2___L_2.saakat...lal minde in a r