Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

degree) with an Intereft in the Happinefs in the Life to come, they will either perfwade themfelves that they are not carnally tninded when they are, or one way or other will under-prop their hopes of Enjoying both : But Hill their flefhly minde is pre- dominant; and therefore they will can their Salvation upon the adventure of fuch hopes, as have nothingbut their own delufi- ons to fu port them. On the other fide, the Regenerate, being here Impede& in all their Graces, are Imperfectly taken off thole Carnal Ends which they Intended in their unfan8ifiedfate, and Imperfedly Inclined to God as their End : fo are they alfo both in difcern- ing and choofing the fitteit Means, even Chrill himfelf, and O- bedience tohim. So that the ben are Carnally minded in fome Degree, but not in a ptevalent Degree, for then they fhould die : The flab and world have {till tome Intereft in the Saints, but not the firongeft : as God and theRedeemer may have Come Intereft, though not the chiefeft, in the pratiical Judgement and Will of theunfanaified. Whether you will fay, That the fame man bath two diftin6t inconfiftentEnds,one as Regenerate, the other fo farre as he is ft ill Carnal ; Or whether you will give the name ofan End, only to that Good which hath the greaten Intereft in him, I will not contend about a word : If that only becalled our End which is prevalently Intended in the main courfe ofour lives, then it is Godonly that is our End : But if that may becalled a roans End, which is Intended in his diftem- pets, and deviations, then the Creature may be called our End, fo faras we are fill Carnal : For it is not only as a wrong cbofen Means to our Right End,that we finfully adhere to the Creature; but it is more as it Rands incompetition with ourRight End,and as *e Will andLove our fleth- pleafingfor it fell. Its true, the fenfual Appetitemay defire itfor itfiff,becaufe it belongs not to it to carry us higher, and to Intend an End : But the Rational Powers mutt filbordinate both Creatures,andour natural delight I in them to God. And I do not think that it is by a meet brte;qh 1 Irrational motion that the godlyadhere toomuch to the creature. 1 I did therefore deliver my thoughts on this point,thus : That as the ha is denominated from the Objeftand fpecified by it,fo , the Grace that is lavingmutt (as to the Ass) confin nor. c;niy in j merit and in that Choiceor