Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Comparative Willing that follows thereupon; An I though there be 40 intricate Philofophical Controverfies about mans Willing the End and Means, which ftand in their way that would make the moil exact difcutlion (Walk point, yet every Chriftian may fafely go on thefe Grounds, and Conclude, That when Chrifts lateral is predominant or greaten in the foul, there is laving Grace; but where it is not, there is none, though yet he may have fume Intereft there. Here is a double preheminence that Chrift muff have, or a double prevalencyofGrace, that it may be laving : r. The Object muff bePreferred before that which hands in Competition with it. 2. The Mt muff be prevalent in Degree againft its Contrary, fo far as that the heart and life may be denominated from it. a. The Abfolute ad of the Judgment makes no Comparifon : Therefore in that only the later muff be lookt after. Affent to Gods word upon his Authority, mutt be Prevalent againft our Difrent : and that will appear in our feri- ous obeying it,&c. 2. In the Comparative atof the Judgment there muff beboth : God muff be Valued and Efteemed above j all Creatures : And our Effeem muff be Prevalent againft our Iflighting and difeffeem of him. 3. The mainpoint ofTryal is in i i the Will: And there mull be both thefe prevalencies before- mentioned. God mutt be Willed as better than all Creatures :- and ourWilling of him nit be in a prevalentDegree againft our Nillingor Unwilling. For there is in the belt on earth forne re- mainders ofAverfnefs toGod, which miy be called a Hatingof him, fo far as they are Carnal : though they are not therefore fitly to be called Haters ofGod,but Lovers of him ; becaufe they muff be denominaired from the Prevalent Part. The like may be laid of all the Affedions, fo far as they are ofthe Rational part: for of the fenficive Paflions, there is not fo lure a Judgement to be made, as I expreffed pag. 21 3. and in my Method for Peace of Confciencedn the Choice of Mans all this is as clear,if not much more. Chritt mutt be preferred before all Competitors, and all rejected for him : and our Willingnefs muff be in a Degree that is prevalent againft our Unwillingnefs, and our Faith as preva- lent againft Unbelief, and our Subjeaion muff prevail againft our Rebellion, and our Obedience againft our Difobedience in the courfeofour lives. He muff have the main bent ofour hearts J