Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

tion, that this long delay might have occafioned, of ought in this kinde, I (hail proceed unto that, which I refolved to re- turn. That Work ofyours (to begin with it) which your feiffeem to have fo light an eileem of is in my account a very precious Piece, and of fingular good ufe : For that therein that great andweighty bulineffe; wherein fo many millions of fouls are fonearly and deeply concerned, is in my poor apprehenfion (and I (peak it fincerely, and without flattery) more fully and exaetly difcuffed and determined, then in any that I have hi- therto lighted on, that have dealt in that Subic& And indeed herein have you carried your felf with exceeding great wifdom and warineffe , as by labouring to difcover and diitingtrifh the grounds and nature of this malady according to the grounds from whence it proceedeth that the remedies may be re- fpeetively applied with the better hope of defired fucceffe ; fo in cutting out an even-way and courfe of cure, between the mi- {takes of many godly Teachers concerning the true Nature of Faith on the one hand whereby many weak fouls have been formerly further mathed and entangled that were more then enough puzzeld and perplexed before ; and thole abfurd and impious conceits maintained by men of corrupt mindes or affe- ctions ' or both, who like unskilful' or unfaithful( quackfalvers, by inftilling of look' and lewd principles into the mindes of thole that are feduced and deluded by them, as by palliating planters, and (+unifying medicines, give their patients cafe of their pains and aches for the prefent , but withal' call them into more dangerous and defperate difeafes. And truly, Sir, for mine own part I have ever been of the minde that thole fcrupu- lofities in weak and tender hearted Chriitians are as fome weeds, which though weeds, and of no good ufe, yet argue a good foil, which a skilful' Husbandman therefore will not re- fide to deal with, or to deal for, being on good terms tendred in fate; -as one unskilful' it may be would : And } et as thofe weeds, becaufe but weeds, would be rid out of the way, for that they cumber the ground, and hinder the growth of things more ufefull ; fo thefe needleffe fcrupulofitles though oft figns of a gracious foul, of an heart defirous to approve it felf unto God, careful' toplate him and fearful]. to offend z him,