Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

him, yet becaufe they much diftrac and dillurb the minds, able the foul unto that chearfull fervice that God requireth of his, and binder the growth of grace, which would thrive with many much better if they were away ; my courfe therefore bath been with fuck as I have found much perplexed and molefted in this kinde, to perfwade them, upon the groundlefneffe either of the affection it feif, or the inference which through weak- nefs of judgement again ft themfelves they thence ufually raife, to endeavour what they may, to lay them afide, and remove them ; withali advifing them to lookprincipally unto duty, and leave the comfort oi'Affurance as matter of reward unto God, when he (hall pleafe to afford it; yet not neglecting; the means whereby it may be attained, of which I conceive this to be a principal one, to wit, a fedulous application of themfelvesunto aconftant performanceand confcionable imployment of them- felves in thefe offices,which their peculiarRations and relations as well as thofe which the general callingof a Chriftian requires of them.But,Sir,what do I thus calling a difh of water into that River , unto which I may jultly and fhall not fail to direct others, andwhence I deem it no difpatagement to draw my felf?, The Lord vouchfafe to bleffe your labours herein, and your feif abundantly for them, as Ldoubt not but that many do, and will bleffe him for your felf and them, even then when you than have no need of their bleffings, having fully recei- ved the fruit of your labours, and being now in perfed bide. This onely to (hew that I have ferioufly perufed it, and how I. efteem of it. For the other Piece, concerning Affociatiori ; which I have likewife runne over : albeit I be my feif nowmiles emeritatts, by reafonof age and infirmities otherwife, utterly difabled unto my wonted employment, and do therefore in effe6t,retain only a bare Title,,, to keepout fome unworthy one that were like otherwife to be obtruded , but for which I had long fince wholly refigned as well the Title as the burden together with the benefit, which another enjoyeth fo far as k can be attained, yea further at prefent them is by me received, neither bath it been my happineffe fince that fome face of a Difcipline hath been fetled in thefe parts, to be able to convenewith my Reve- rend Brethren of the Clafi , wherein I refide, at their ordiT nary: