'people did in 111"ebemiahs dayes, either by their fox-like wiles or by their Lion-like threats and forcible attempts againft thofe defpifed and derided ones, that then laboured in the reftaura- tion of Gods Church, and Conftitutionof his Service, amids thole manifold obftrudions difiurbances and difadvantages which in purfuance thereof they met with, as well at home as from abroad ; yea whatfoever the iffue of the bufinefs fhall be (for the iffue ofno mans attempt is in his own hand)your pious endeavour (and that is all God requires of us) fhall not go unrewarded or unrewarded with God. But I forget whom I write to ; (onely I confider, that the acclamations even ofidle fpedators are wont fomewhat to hearten thofe that are wreft- ling or running in a race ) and whom you intimate to have writtenunto, Bretheren much better able, each of them feve- rally (jointly how much more abundantly ?) to afford you ei- ther advice or encouragement then my felf; and who .41 likeli- hood, your Letters arriving far fooner with them then with me, have long before this given fatisfadion to you in the office therein required of them. Todraw towards an end ; as concerning the particular Cafe propounded about the Adminiftration of the Sacraments of Baptifm and the Lords Supper in private upon tome fpecial oc- eafions : TheDirectory indeed doth reftrain the Adminifirati- on of the Sacraments unto the place of publick meeting. And I doubt not, but that the Qaeftion concerning the private Ad; mimitration of either was ferioufly confidered of,and fedulouf- lydebated in the Committee whereunto that part of the Dire- dorywas then defigned, and again upon their report, if any doubt were moved about it, in the publick Affembly ; where ifany were, the Scribes who took the feveral debates there in writing, are belt able to enform : For my part I am not cer- tain whether it were queftioned at all in the Affembly ; nor do I remember that that part of the Diredory fa to the lot of that Committee, whereof I was. Member : But for mine own opi- nion herein, I concur in judgement with that learned man Sam. itlarefime in Decifionikus Theologici4 regimen, ordinem, praxin eutaxianffettintibm, 2 & 3. to wit, that howfoever loci & temporid cirenmjiantice non Punt de efentia Sacramenti, yet it is a thing molt Convenient, confidering the nature and ufe